Reading My Tea Leaves | this shampoo.

my week in objects (mostly).

July 7, 2017

five little things that made my week.

1. this shampoo
{giving something new a try. so far so sweet.}

2. this shriveled radish.
{because better to have tried and failed…}

3. this tile grout.
{because sometimes you just can’t wait for the super to fix something.}

4. this hibiscus tea.
{because it’s gonna turn deep pink, but i love this early stage best of all.}

5. this pillow.
{same very old case, new spot.}

other things:

a hundred times the difference.


kids in nature.

call your girlfriend.

barnyard dinners.

almost as good as the beach.

a pouch for organizing dreams.

these words from my sister just about broke my heart.