i love new beauty potions as much as the next lady, but sorting through all the stuff out there can be more than a little overwhelming. sometimes i just want someone to tell me what to use. in hopes that i can help spread the good word, here are two products i’ve been using for the past few months that i’m particularly taken with.
cold spring apothecary‘s dry shampoo is just about my favorite thing. james thinks it’s a little heavy on the patchouli, but i don’t mind a bit. it’s filled with nice ingredients that i don’t have to worry about and it works, too. it’s especially good as a little post-workday freshener and it does wonders for hair that’s been smushed under a wool hat all day. next time i have some time away from work, i’m taking a little trip to cold spring. i’m fairly certain i’ll take home with me every single thing i find.
lush‘s full of grace serum is another recent favorite. the little bar doesn’t require any special packaging and it leaves your cheeks feeling silky smooth. seriously useful for new york city apartments where you can’t control your heat. also, it’s mighty sweet looking.
other things:
skin deep for thoughtful consumers.
change starts with your underwear.
ps. those jars? found intact buried beneath the ground at my mom and dad’s!